Home Made Garlic Bread Recipe

Our daughter Shompurna never liked garlic bread since she saw it in the movie Hotel Transylvania that vampires don’t like garlic bread. She was 5 years old when she saw the movie.

She thought as they don’t like it, it must be gross. Now she is 8, and I asked her, why don’t you like garlic bread? She replied,

“I don’t like it so much because the inside of the bread is too soft, but I kinda like the outer toasty side.”

Thanks, god. She is gradually realizing that this bread is so so yummy. We love this bread, and I like most which one I made at home.

Now if someone doesn’t know what is this food, I would say try it, have it, devour it. It’s so so tasty.

Now back to the question, what is garlic bread?

Garlic bread consists of bread, topped with garlic and olive oil or butter and may include additional herbs, such as oregano or chives.

It is then either grilled or broiled until toasted or baked in an oven, or air fryer.

Now can anyone make it? Do someone needs any advanced skill to make it. I would say, NO. Anyone can make this delicious food at home if he/she wants to make it.

I tried to show how easily we can make this food. Just follow all of the steps, and surprise your family members and friends.

Talked a lot about the background. Let’s dive into the main discussion of why you guys are here. So, what do we need to make this delicious garlic bread?


Dough ingredients

  • 2.5 cup flour
  • 3 tbsp sugar
  • ½  tbsp salt
  • 1 tbsp dry yeast
  • 1 cup + 3 tbsp milk
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp unsalted butter

Garlic butter paste ingredients

  • 1 cup unsalted butter
  • 1 tsp salt
  • ½ cup green onion or cilantro
  • 1 tsp garlic powder or 1 tbsp minced garlic

Let’s make the breakfast pancake

  • First, we will make the dough for the garlic cake. Mix the dry ingredients, and pour the warm milk into the dry mixer.
  • Now add half of an egg and mix it well. Keep the extra half for brushing purposes. Then add butter and mix it again. Make the butter-soft by warming it in a microwave.
  • When mixing is done, cover the dough with a lid and keep it for rest somewhere warm for 1 hour. After 1 hour, the dough will be ready.
  • When the dough is at rest, we will make the garlic butter paste. Put all of the ingredients that are under garlic butter paste ingredients and mix it well.
  • After 1 hour, the dough is ready. Divide the dough into 16 pieces. Put the garlic butter paste as a stuffing inside of each of the 16 pieces.
  • We will use a 10-inch mold today. Brush the mold with butter and arrange all of the 16 pieces of dough in a mold. Cover the mold with a lid or soft white cloth and keep it for rest for 20 minutes.
  • After 20 minutes, remove the lid, and perform an egg brush on top of each 16 pieces and bake in the oven at 175°C or 350°F for 30 minutes.
  • When baking is done, cover the bread for an hour. After 1 hour, enjoy the delicious garlic bread you just made with your friends and families.

For the step to step tutorial, follow the recipe video of the garlic bread…